Can a Manic Scizophrenic Episode Happen Again

My dad is bipolar. I at 41 years old at present and my relationship with him has been sporadic since I left home at 23 (stayed domicile during higher), mainly considering of the way he behaved during large parts of my childhood, which without going into details was traumatic for me.

I accept recently been talking with him more. I have been in therapy for other reasons myself and have also discussed some of my memories of my dad with my therapist. This really led me to think I could endeavor to mend my relationship with my dad, and information technology has been just small talk so far but I am thinking of talking things out with him.

I wonder if he has memories of the things he did during his manic psychotic episodes, or if there is no point?

That'south an interesting question.

I have definitely read near people with Bipolar Disorder who do non retrieve their manic episodes well, and who, when they are told what they did while manic, genuinely have no recollection of it. At that place are also those who practise recollect, at least some parts, and who think of this fourth dimension as something "conflicting", some kind of out of body experience, if yous like.

Even if your father does not recall his manic episodes, I don't meet why, if your relationship is good now, yous should not talk over them. It might help you become closure and help him understand why you pulled away from him.

All-time of luck with this.

The same neurotransmitters that cause mood swings in people with bipolar disorders tin as well affect memory, I do know that much. I don't know if this specifically applies to manic episodes, or whether this is a more than general phenomenon. It's interesting, how this all works.

Why don't you start off by request your dad this question, so that you volition get an answer tailored to him specifically equally opposed to a general speculation?

Apparently retentivity loss is a existent trouble in people afflicted by bipolar disorder, no whether their age. It happens. Curt term is the biggest problem for people who are bipolar, and there is not and so much bear witness whether this applies to long term memory as well, but it is possible. People might sometimes think that the bipolar person is merely pretending to have memory loss because that is more than user-friendly and they would rather forget almost an episode or don't want to be confronted with information technology, but it is more complicated than that.

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I concord with this. I besides concur with asking your dad whether he has whatsoever recollection of these events outright. If he has experienced memory loss related to his Bipolar Disorder, he will already be enlightened that there are things he has done that he cannot recall, some of which are likely to have caused other people a lot of grief.

Depending on how well you are communicating with your dad, I would besides piece of work towards discussing this. It could mean a lot in terms of mending your relationship and overcoming the damage that was done.

In the meantime, I'm here to listen if y'all want to talk more and then are other people.


Bipolar low does affect retentiveness. Information technology'due south more than, if I understand this right, that they do remember manic episodes and some of the stuff they did during these manic episodes, simply the "thing" that made the actions they took during a manic episode make sense at the time doesn't exist anymore, so they can't remember the why backside what they did. They are no longer in the same mental country, and so that makes sense when you recall about it.

Therapy can assist people empathize their manic episodes better.

I run into no reason not to discuss manic episodes of a relative with them later regardless of their memory lapses.

Things got bad. My dad did some really weird things that I take no doubt he would be aback of when non manic. I practice worry that talking well-nigh it now volition damage the human relationship we've recently built upward. My dad has been circular to my firm, played soccer with my sons, and though there is so much left implied, I won't lie, information technology has been pretty proficient.

What if talking about information technology will cause my dad to totally close down and withdraw? It is a heavy topic. At the same time I experience similar an "I didn't hateful to do that" or sorry would really help me process this, knowing that information technology was his bipolar and not him, if that makes sense.

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That is tough. Since you mentioned you lot are attention therapy yourself though, have you idea most request your dad to come up with you to a group therapy session so you can talk through your feelings while beingness mediated past a neutral 3rd political party who knows how to handle that tough stuff?

I'm assuming he already has experience with therapists as a bipolar person and that he as well understands his symptoms might accept caused stress to his family including you. If your relationship is improving, he may well be open to this idea.


I don't know. This is all new territory to me and to my dad likewise actually. I have written him an electronic mail about what happened and how I experience well-nigh it. I accept showed it to my therapist who is neither encouraging me to send information technology nor saying I should non send it, leaving the ball in my court. I've written and rewritten that email and right now information technology sounds about airheaded.

I do think I will be sending him a version of it though.

On some other note I did transport my sis an e-mail. I did not mention that both my parents suffered from mental health issues and my sister is depressed too. Information technology is hard feeling like the "sane" (not diagnosed with anything) person in the family when I barely feel sane myself.

I've never experienced this caste of indecisiveness.

I call back it'due south perfectly natural to feel that style!

You get to decide when and whether and how you talk to your dad about this. If you lot feel it would help you, that's a skilful step to take. But if you recollect it over and determine not to touch this with him and but process whatever happened in a dissimilar mode, and enjoy your new relationship with him, don't forget that is a perfectly valid choice equally well!

I think every bit long every bit yous're uncertain about your course of action, y'all should probably wait.


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